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Heavy duty joystick

Specificaties en downloads

Input voltage DC5V/24V
Output Voltage5V - 0V - 5V
Resistance10 k Ω
Resistance tolerance
Independent linear tolerance
The resolution is infinite
Resistance temperature coefficient + 400 PPM / ° C
Output smoothmaximum 0.5 %
Y + 32 ° electrical corner
Insulation resistance50 M Ω @ 500 VDC, 60 SEC.

Specificaties en downloads

Input voltage DC5V/24V
Output Voltage5V - 0V - 5V
Resistance10 k Ω
Resistance tolerance
Independent linear tolerance
The resolution is infinite
Resistance temperature coefficient + 400 PPM / ° C
Output smoothmaximum 0.5 %
Y + 32 ° electrical corner
Insulation resistance50 M Ω @ 500 VDC, 60 SEC.

Specificaties en downloads

Input voltage DC5V/24V
Output Voltage5V - 0V - 5V
Resistance10 k Ω
Resistance tolerance
Independent linear tolerance
The resolution is infinite
Resistance temperature coefficient + 400 PPM / ° C
Output smoothmaximum 0.5 %
Y + 32 ° electrical corner
Insulation resistance50 M Ω @ 500 VDC, 60 SEC.